- graph_tool.generation.random_graph(N, deg_sampler, directed=True, parallel_edges=False, self_loops=False, block_membership=None, block_type='int', degree_block=False, random=True, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate a random graph, with a given degree distribution and (optionally) vertex-vertex correlation.
The graph will be randomized via the
function, and any remaining parameters will be passed to that function. Please read its documentation for all the options regarding the different statistical models which can be chosen.- Parameters:
- Nint
Number of vertices in the graph.
- deg_samplerfunction
A degree sampler function which is called without arguments, and returns a tuple of ints representing the in and out-degree of a given vertex (or a single int for undirected graphs, representing the out-degree). This function is called once per vertex, but may be called more times, if the degree sequence cannot be used to build a graph.
Optionally, you can also pass a function which receives one or two arguments. If
block_membership is None
, the single argument passed will be the index of the vertex which will receive the degree. Ifblock_membership is not None
, the first value passed will be the vertex index, and the second will be the block value of the vertex.- directedbool (optional, default:
) Whether the generated graph should be directed.
- parallel_edgesbool (optional, default:
) If
, parallel edges are allowed.- self_loopsbool (optional, default:
) If
, self-loops are allowed.- block_membershiplist or
or function (optional, default:None
) If supplied, the graph will be sampled from a stochastic blockmodel ensemble, and this parameter specifies the block membership of the vertices, which will be passed to the
function.If the value is a list or a
, it must havelen(block_membership) == N
, and the values will define to which block each vertex belongs.If this value is a function, it will be used to sample the block types. It must be callable either with no arguments or with a single argument which will be the vertex index. In either case it must return a type compatible with the
parameter.See the documentation for the
parameter of therandom_rewire()
function which specifies the correlation matrix.- block_typestring (optional, default:
) Value type of block labels. Valid only if
block_membership is not None
.- degree_blockbool (optional, default:
) If
, the degree of each vertex will be appended to block labels when constructing the blockmodel, such that the resulting block type will be a pair \((r, k)\), where \(r\) is the original block label.- randombool (optional, default:
) If
, the returned graph is randomized. Otherwise a deterministic placement of the edges will be used.- verbosebool (optional, default:
) If
, verbose information is displayed.
- Returns:
- random_graph
The generated graph.
- blocks
A vertex property map with the block values. This is only returned if
block_membership is not None
- random_graph
See also
in-place graph shuffling
The algorithm makes sure the degree sequence is graphical (i.e. realizable) and keeps re-sampling the degrees if is not. With a valid degree sequence, the edges are placed deterministically, and later the graph is shuffled with the
function, with all remaining parameters passed to it.The complexity is \(O(V + E)\) if parallel edges are allowed, and \(O(V + E \times\text{n-iter})\) if parallel edges are not allowed.
parallel_edges == False
this algorithm only guarantees that the returned graph will be a random sample from the desired ensemble ifn_iter
is sufficiently large. The algorithm implements an efficient Markov chain based on edge swaps, with a mixing time which depends on the degree distribution and correlations desired. If degree correlations are provided, the mixing time tends to be larger.References
[metropolis-equations-1953]Metropolis, N.; Rosenbluth, A.W.; Rosenbluth, M.N.; Teller, A.H.; Teller, E. “Equations of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines”. Journal of Chemical Physics 21 (6): 1087-1092 (1953). DOI: 10.1063/1.1699114 [sci-hub, @tor]
[hastings-monte-carlo-1970]Hastings, W.K. “Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications”. Biometrika 57 (1): 97-109 (1970). DOI: 10.1093/biomet/57.1.97 [sci-hub, @tor]
[holland-stochastic-1983]Paul W. Holland, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, and Samuel Leinhardt, “Stochastic blockmodels: First steps,” Social Networks 5, no. 2: 109-13 (1983) DOI: 10.1016/0378-8733(83)90021-7 [sci-hub, @tor]
[karrer-stochastic-2011]Brian Karrer and M. E. J. Newman, “Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks,” Physical Review E 83, no. 1: 016107 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.83.016107 [sci-hub, @tor] arXiv: 1008.3926
This is a degree sampler which uses rejection sampling to sample from the distribution \(P(k)\propto 1/k\), up to a maximum.
>>> def sample_k(max): ... accept = False ... while not accept: ... k = np.random.randint(1,max+1) ... accept = np.random.random() < 1.0/k ... return k
The following generates a random undirected graph with degree distribution \(P(k)\propto 1/k\) (with k_max=40) and an assortative degree correlation of the form:
\[P(i,k) \propto \frac{1}{1+|i-k|}\]>>> g = gt.random_graph(1000, lambda: sample_k(40), model="probabilistic-configuration", ... edge_probs=lambda i, k: 1.0 / (1 + abs(i - k)), directed=False, ... n_iter=100)
The following samples an in,out-degree pair from the joint distribution:
\[p(j,k) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{e^{-m_1}m_1^j}{j!}\frac{e^{-m_1}m_1^k}{k!} + \frac{1}{2}\frac{e^{-m_2}m_2^j}{j!}\frac{e^{-m_2}m_2^k}{k!}\]with \(m_1 = 4\) and \(m_2 = 20\).
>>> def deg_sample(): ... if random() > 0.5: ... return np.random.poisson(4), np.random.poisson(4) ... else: ... return np.random.poisson(20), np.random.poisson(20) ...
The following generates a random directed graph with this distribution, and plots the combined degree correlation.
>>> g = gt.random_graph(20000, deg_sample) >>> >>> hist = gt.combined_corr_hist(g, "in", "out") >>> >>> figure() <...> >>> imshow(hist[0].T, interpolation="nearest", origin="lower") <...> >>> colorbar() <...> >>> xlabel("in-degree") Text(...) >>> ylabel("out-degree") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> savefig("combined-deg-hist.svg")
Combined degree histogram.#
A correlated directed graph can be build as follows. Consider the following degree correlation:
\[P(j',k'|j,k)=\frac{e^{-k}k^{j'}}{j'!} \frac{e^{-(20-j)}(20-j)^{k'}}{k'!}\]i.e., the in->out correlation is “disassortative”, the out->in correlation is “assortative”, and everything else is uncorrelated. We will use a flat degree distribution in the range [1,20).
>>> p = scipy.stats.poisson >>> g = gt.random_graph(20000, lambda: (sample_k(19), sample_k(19)), ... model="probabilistic-configuration", ... edge_probs=lambda a,b: (p.pmf(a[0], b[1]) * ... p.pmf(a[1], 20 - b[0])), ... n_iter=100)
Lets plot the average degree correlations to check.
>>> figure(figsize=(8,3)) <...> >>> corr = gt.avg_neighbor_corr(g, "in", "in") >>> errorbar(corr[2][:-1], corr[0], yerr=corr[1], fmt="o-", ... label=r"$\left<\text{in}\right>$ vs in") <...> >>> corr = gt.avg_neighbor_corr(g, "in", "out") >>> errorbar(corr[2][:-1], corr[0], yerr=corr[1], fmt="o-", ... label=r"$\left<\text{out}\right>$ vs in") <...> >>> corr = gt.avg_neighbor_corr(g, "out", "in") >>> errorbar(corr[2][:-1], corr[0], yerr=corr[1], fmt="o-", ... label=r"$\left<\text{in}\right>$ vs out") <...> >>> corr = gt.avg_neighbor_corr(g, "out", "out") >>> errorbar(corr[2][:-1], corr[0], yerr=corr[1], fmt="o-", ... label=r"$\left<\text{out}\right>$ vs out") <...> >>> legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) <...> >>> xlabel("Source degree") Text(...) >>> ylabel("Average target degree") Text(...) >>> tight_layout() >>> box = gca().get_position() >>> gca().set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.7, box.height]) >>> savefig("deg-corr-dir.svg")
Average nearest neighbor correlations.#
Stochastic blockmodels
The following example shows how a stochastic blockmodel [holland-stochastic-1983] [karrer-stochastic-2011] can be generated. We will consider a system of 10 blocks, which form communities. The connection probability will be given by
>>> def prob(a, b): ... if a == b: ... return 0.999 ... else: ... return 0.001
The blockmodel can be generated as follows.
>>> g, bm = gt.random_graph(2000, lambda: poisson(10), directed=False, ... model="blockmodel", ... block_membership=lambda: randint(10), ... edge_probs=prob) >>> gt.graph_draw(g, vertex_fill_color=bm, edge_color="black", output="blockmodel.pdf") <...>
Simple blockmodel with 10 blocks.#