-, source, weight, visitor=< object>, heuristic=<function <lambda>>, dist_map=None, pred_map=None, cost_map=None, combine=<function <lambda>>, compare=<function <lambda>>, zero=0, infinity=inf, implicit=False)[source]#
Heuristic \(A^*\) search on a weighted, directed or undirected graph for the case where all edge weights are non-negative.
- Parameters:
- g
Graph to be used.
- source
Source vertex.
- weight
Edge property map with weight values.
- visitor
(optional, default:AStarVisitor()
) A visitor object that is invoked at the event points inside the algorithm. This should be a subclass of
.- heuristicunary function (optional, default:
lambda v: 1
) The heuristic function that guides the search. It should take a single argument which is a
, and output an estimated distance from the supplied vertex to the target vertex.- dist_map
(optional, default:None
) A vertex property map where the distances from the source will be stored.
- pred_map
(optional, default:None
) A vertex property map where the predecessor map will be stored (must have value type “int64_t”).
- cost_map
(optional, default:None
) A vertex property map where the vertex costs will be stored. It must have the same value type as
. This parameter is only used ifimplicit
is True.- combinebinary function (optional, default:
lambda a, b: a + b
) This function is used to combine distances to compute the distance of a path.
- comparebinary function (optional, default:
lambda a, b: a < b
) This function is use to compare distances to determine which vertex is closer to the source vertex.
- implicitbool (optional, default:
) If true, the underlying graph will be assumed to be implicit (i.e. constructed during the search).
- zeroint or float (optional, default:
) Value assumed to correspond to a distance of zero by the combine and compare functions.
- infinityint or float (optional, default:
) Value assumed to correspond to a distance of infinity by the combine and compare functions.
- g
- Returns:
- dist_map
A vertex property map with the computed distances from the source.
- pred_map
A vertex property map with the predecessor tree.
- dist_map
See also
Breadth-first search
Depth-first search
Dijkstra’s search algorithm
The \(A^*\) algorithm is a heuristic graph search algorithm: an \(A^*\) search is “guided” by a heuristic function. A heuristic function \(h(v)\) is one which estimates the cost from a non-goal state (v) in the graph to some goal state, t. Intuitively, \(A^*\) follows paths (through the graph) to the goal that are estimated by the heuristic function to be the best paths. Unlike best-first search, \(A^*\) takes into account the known cost from the start of the search to v; the paths \(A^*\) takes are guided by a function \(f(v) = g(v) + h(v)\), where \(h(v)\) is the heuristic function, and \(g(v)\) (sometimes denoted \(c(s, v)\)) is the known cost from the start to v. Clearly, the efficiency of \(A^*\) is highly dependent on the heuristic function with which it is used.
The time complexity is \(O((E + V)\log V)\).
The pseudo-code for the \(A^*\) algorithm is listed below, with the annotated event points, for which the given visitor object will be called with the appropriate method.
A*(G, source, h) for each vertex u in V initialize vertex u d[u] := f[u] := infinity color[u] := WHITE end for color[s] := GRAY d[s] := 0 f[s] := h(source) INSERT(Q, source) discover vertex source while (Q != Ø) u := EXTRACT-MIN(Q) examine vertex u for each vertex v in Adj[u] examine edge (u,v) if (w(u,v) + d[u] < d[v]) d[v] := w(u,v) + d[u] edge (u,v) relaxed f[v] := d[v] + h(v) if (color[v] = WHITE) color[v] := GRAY INSERT(Q, v) discover vertex v else if (color[v] = BLACK) color[v] := GRAY INSERT(Q, v) reopen vertex v end if else ... edge (u,v) not relaxed end for color[u] := BLACK finish vertex u end while
[astar]Hart, P. E.; Nilsson, N. J.; Raphael, B. “A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths”. IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics SSC4 4 (2): 100-107, 1968. DOI: 10.1109/TSSC.1968.300136 [sci-hub, @tor]
We will use an irregular two-dimensional lattice as an example, where the heuristic function will be based on the euclidean distance to the target.
The heuristic function will be defined as:
def h(v, target, pos): return sqrt(sum((pos[v].a - pos[target].a) ** 2))
is the vertex position in the plane.We must define what should be done during the search by subclassing
, and specializing the appropriate methods. In the following we will keep track of the discovered vertices, and which edges were examined, as well as the predecessor tree. We will also abort the search when a given target vertex is found, by raising theStopSearch
exception.class VisitorExample(gt.AStarVisitor): def __init__(self, touched_v, touched_e, target): self.touched_v = touched_v self.touched_e = touched_e = target def discover_vertex(self, u): self.touched_v[u] = True def examine_edge(self, e): self.touched_e[e] = True def edge_relaxed(self, e): if == raise gt.StopSearch()
With the above class defined, we can perform the \(A^*\) search as follows.
>>> points = random((500, 2)) * 4 >>> points[0] = [-0.01, 0.01] >>> points[1] = [4.01, 4.01] >>> g, pos = gt.triangulation(points, type="delaunay") >>> weight = g.new_edge_property("double") # Edge weights corresponding to ... # Euclidean distances >>> for e in g.edges(): ... weight[e] = sqrt(sum((pos[e.source()].a - ... pos[].a) ** 2)) >>> touch_v = g.new_vertex_property("bool") >>> touch_e = g.new_edge_property("bool") >>> target = g.vertex(1) >>> dist, pred = gt.astar_search(g, g.vertex(0), weight, ... VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), ... heuristic=lambda v: h(v, target, pos))
We can now observe the best path found, and how many vertices and edges were visited in the process.
>>> ecolor = g.new_edge_property("string") >>> ewidth = g.new_edge_property("double") >>> ewidth.a = 1 >>> for e in g.edges(): ... ecolor[e] = "#3465a4" if touch_e[e] else "#d3d7cf" >>> v = target >>> while v != g.vertex(0): ... p = g.vertex(pred[v]) ... for e in v.out_edges(): ... if == p: ... ecolor[e] = "#a40000" ... ewidth[e] = 3 ... v = p >>> gt.graph_draw(g, pos=pos, output_size=(300, 300), vertex_fill_color=touch_v, ..., edge_color=ecolor, ... edge_pen_width=ewidth, output="astar-delaunay.svg") <...>
The shortest path is shown in red. The visited edges are shown in blue, and the visited vertices in black.#
The \(A^*\) algorithm is very useful for searching implicit graphs, i.e. graphs which are not entirely stored in memory and are generated “on-the-fly” during the search. In the following example we will carry out a search in a hamming hypercube of 10 bits witch has random weights on its edges in the range \([0,1]\). The vertices of the hypercube will be created during the search.
The heuristic function will use the Hamming distance between vertices:
def h(v, target, state): return sum(abs(state[v].a - target)) / 2
In the following visitor we will keep growing the graph on-the-fly, and abort the search when a given target vertex is found, by raising the
exception.from numpy.random import random class HammingVisitor(gt.AStarVisitor): def __init__(self, g, target, state, weight, dist, cost): self.g = g self.state = state = target self.weight = weight self.dist = dist self.cost = cost self.visited = {} def examine_vertex(self, u): for i in range(len(self.state[u])): nstate = list(self.state[u]) nstate[i] ^= 1 if tuple(nstate) in self.visited: v = self.visited[tuple(nstate)] else: v = self.g.add_vertex() self.visited[tuple(nstate)] = v self.state[v] = nstate self.dist[v] = self.cost[v] = float('inf') for e in u.out_edges(): if == v: break else: e = self.g.add_edge(u, v) self.weight[e] = random() self.visited[tuple(self.state[u])] = u def edge_relaxed(self, e): if self.state[] == self.visited[tuple(] = raise gt.StopSearch()
With the above class defined, we can perform the \(A^*\) search as follows.
>>> g = gt.Graph(directed=False) >>> state = g.new_vertex_property("vector<bool>") >>> v = g.add_vertex() >>> state[v] = [0] * 10 >>> target = [1] * 10 >>> weight = g.new_edge_property("double") >>> dist = g.new_vertex_property("double") >>> cost = g.new_vertex_property("double") >>> visitor = HammingVisitor(g, target, state, weight, dist, cost) >>> dist, pred = gt.astar_search(g, g.vertex(0), weight, visitor, dist_map=dist, ... cost_map=cost, heuristic=lambda v: h(v, array(target), state), ... implicit=True)
We can now observe the best path found, and how many vertices and edges were visited in the process.
>>> ecolor = g.new_edge_property("string") >>> vcolor = g.new_vertex_property("string") >>> ewidth = g.new_edge_property("double") >>> ewidth.a = 1 >>> for e in g.edges(): ... ecolor[e] = "black" >>> for v in g.vertices(): ... vcolor[v] = "white" >>> v = visitor.visited[tuple(target)] >>> while v != g.vertex(0): ... vcolor[v] = "black" ... p = g.vertex(pred[v]) ... for e in v.out_edges(): ... if == p: ... ecolor[e] = "#a40000" ... ewidth[e] = 3 ... v = p >>> vcolor[v] = "black" >>> pos = gt.graph_draw(g, output_size=(300, 300), vertex_fill_color=vcolor, edge_color=ecolor, ... edge_pen_width=ewidth, output="astar-implicit.svg")
The shortest path is shown in red, and the vertices which belong to it are in black. Note that the number of vertices visited is much smaller than the total number \(2^{10} = 1024\).#